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Salvador Espriu Secondary School is located in Salt, a small town in the vicinity of the city of Girona. Salt has a population of 30,000 inhabitants with a wide variety of multicultural origins, a key factor on the education process in our school, regarding the fact that in many cases, their families share a similar disadvantaged cultural background. In this sense, our school copes with their lack of motivation and given such broad diversity, our school is pioneer in different programmes that try to cater for our students' different needs right from their arrival.

Our shared goal with this project (GEP) is to get our students better trained for their studies and their future working life. Learning about Roman world using English will provide them with many benefits:  linguistics, personals and professionals.

This project, Urbanism in ancient Rome, has been created and developed by the students of 2nd Baccalaureate A in the Latin classes, together with their teacher Sònia Gros.

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